Press ReleaseSports

45TH MTN SWAG AWARDS – StarTimes offer sponsorship to SWAG including Live Coverage of the Awards night at Alisa Hotel.


Pay-TV service operator StarTimes will broadcast live this year’s Sports Writers’ Association of Ghana (SWAG) awards slated for October 10, 2020.

The SWAG Awards which is in the 45th edition is the longest-running sports awards and is set to confer honours on over 30 sportsmen and women in the country.

Official broadcaster of the Ghana Premier league, StarTimes is partnering the event by way of sponsorship, a sponsorship package of cash plus pay tv decoders to support the event.

As part of the sponsorship package, StarTimes will beam the awards night scheduled to take place at the Swiss Spirit Alisa Hotel live on its partner Free-to-air channel Max TV.

This is in partnership to give the awards the needed mileage to as many viewers within Ghana and beyond on StarTimes’ satellite channel number 530, Max TV.

Within the past four years, StarTimes has invested millions of dollars into sports in Ghana and has deemed it right to sponsor the upcoming awards set to honour members of the sports fraternity.

“It’s our goal to push Ghana sports to the highest level and make it rub shoulders with that of the highly developed sports nations around the world.”
“Whatever that will propel sports in Ghana to its desired feat is what we will project to the world” Said Mrs. Akofa Banson, head of marketing StarTimes Ghana.

StarTimes is the leading digital-TV operator in Africa, serving 13 million DVB subscribers and 20 million OTT users in 30+ countries.


45TH MTN SWAG Awards – SWAG eulogizes former President Joe Aggrey and honours Oteng Aboagye with a meritorious award

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