Press ReleaseSportsTRENDING

GFA partners SWAG for Media Capacity building programme


The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has partnered the Sports Writers Association of Ghana (SWAG) for the first ever capacity building on GFA activities and programmes for the media.

This follows the decision of the Executive Council to set aside Seven Thousand dollars (US$7,000) from the FIFA COVID-19 Relief Fund for a capacity building programme for the sports media, as a key stakeholder in developing the game.

Accra and Kumasi have been selected to host both the Southern and Northern sector events. The first event is scheduled for Accra on Tuesday, March 16, 2021, while the second event takes place in Kumasi on Tuesday, March 30, 2021.

The two sessions will be more practical and interactive on the Association’s way of work.

The FA president Kurt Edwin Simeon-Okraku and SWAG President Kwabena Yeboah will deliver keynote address with various topics being discussed by various resource persons.

Under Governance at the GFA, the GFA new Structure, Vision, Mission, Statutes, relationship with FIFA, CAF etc, Compliance and Integrity and governance principles, audits etc will be addressed by the General Secretary of the GFA Prosper Harrison Addo, Esq.

Head of the national teams department Alex Asante will also take participants through activities of the various National Teams, camping, organizing International friendly matches, competitive matches.

The IT and Communications departments will also touch on relationship with the media, Domestic Competitions, IT Systems at the GFA -FIFA Connect, Transfer Matching System and the Competitions Management System (CMS).

The SWAG will also have a presentation on building footballs brands – role of the media.

“It’s a policy of the GFA to bring along every stakeholder, such as SWAG, along on its new way of working in its quest for greater transparency and information flow” said the General Secretary, Prosper Harrison Addo, Esq. after meeting with SWAG on the progress of the organization of the programme.

General Secretary of SWAG Charles Osei Assibey believes “the programme has come at an unfortunate but opportune Covid 19 time when the sporting media increasingly finds ways of developing different schemes to upgrade it’s work. The FA should be commended in this regard and Swag urges sports journalists to take the opportunity and take part in the programme”.

The FA and SWAG will show the programme live across its new media platforms on facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter for more people to benefit from the programme.

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