Craigslist is a superb way to buy and sell items, but it surely can also be a dangerous place. While is actually safe to use, you have to remember that scammers are regularly trying to exploit unwitting users. Here are a few suggestions for staying secure on your local craigslist ads:
Omit your own information once posting an item on sale, especially the phone number and email address. This will help to prevent personality theft and be sure that you’re coping with genuine sellers just.
Use a safeguarded current email address to send out product sales or ordering offers and do not give out your genuine email address to a new person. This will generate it difficult for a person to apply untrue details to your name and get credit rating charge cards in your brand.
Always fulfill in a consumer place, for example a coffee shop or a shopping center. Interacting with in a people place will certainly minimize your chances of being conned or assaulted.
Bring a pal along with you when making transactions. An associate will be able to deliver some extra support and will decrease your chances of being mugged or else threatened.
When you are purchasing an electronic or other high-tech item, make sure the shopper can show you what they’re talking about before you make a purchase. Additionally it is a good idea to take cash along.
Avoid meeting with a owner in their residence. A safe achieving place is known as a public space, such as a restaurant or packed area like a park.